Yes. This is true. I am Pregnant. It still feels weird to say it, not that I have been lately as it has been under wraps since we found out on December 6th.
I am never late. I was officially late on December 6th. I had a digital test laying around (a few months ago, I thought I was pg, false alarm) so I got up on Thursday morning and tested. I was expecting it to say "not pregnant" but when "pregnant" jumped on the screen in less that 30 seconds, I couldn't believe it. I was so in shock. I was in shock the entire day. I went to Target and got some cheap non-digital ones and tested in the bathroom at work on my lunch. Sure enough a pink line came through. It was becoming more real!!
I told Adam that evening and he was in shock too.
I went to the Doctor on Tuesday December 11th to confirm it. When the nurse told me it was positive I said "Yeah I know, I took two pregnancy tests already!"
You can expect this blog to contain a lot about my pregnany journey.
December 18 Week 5: I have officially started morning sickness. I feel as if I will spew at any moment. All I want to eat are carbs and I am having an aversion to meat.
I also have to make frequent stops to the bathroom at night, usually at 11pm, 2pm and 4pm. I am also very tired. I come home at night and just veg on the couch next to my darling husband!
I will post the POAS (pee on a stick) pictures later.