Emily is two months old already! I cannot believe it. Time went by so fast!
She went to the doctor and her new stats are:
9 lbs 11 oz
22 1/2 inches long
She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches long when born so she is growing right along! I knew she was going to be at least 8 lbs because she grew out of all her newborn clothes a few weeks ago.
Milestones the last few weeks:
Week 4: Learned how to put her legs up in the air and roll to one side (so cute!)
Week 5: smiled (really) for the first time
Week 6: rolled from her belly to her back
Week 8: giggled when talked to
Week 9: Starting to recognize her name
We are having a little trouble with breastfeeding now that I am back to work. She takes the bottle fine which is great, but when she is really hungry she gets really impatient when the milk from my breast is not coming out right away which makes her cry and pull off. This makes me cry because this is one way we bond together and I don't want it to end! She usually will refuse me during her 6-7pm feeding so I have to go pump while Adam feeds her a bottle. She has no issues if she gets up during the night to feed. Who knows!