I have started a new family blog. So be sure to check updates there. I will no longer be posting on this blog.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
2 Years old!
Emily is well on her way to being a full blown two year old. All of a sudden she has become a little bit more independent, decisive and can I say attitudy???? This kid has had more temper tantrums the last week than she ever has in her entire little life. We are being firm though.
She has gained a new sense of independence that I find somewhat sad and somewhat comforting to know that she is developmentally on track. She has to bring her baby doll with her everywhere now, along with her purse filled with sunglasses, cell phone and baby pacifiers. It really is the cutest thing.
Emily has also become more decisive, especially when it comes to food. She used to eat whatever she we put in from of her, but last week she barely ate dinner. I admit that one night last week she did have a bowl of ice cream for dinner. Granted, she is teething HARD right now. I can feel molars coming through. If she doesn't want something she howls "nooooo".
She is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. Every morning she wakes up and as we pass the living room says "Party party party on" Meaning she wants to watch her show. I don't really know why she calls it "party" except that they dance and sing. She has never been one to sit and watch TV so I am taking advantage of these little TV breaks here and there.
She has gained a new sense of independence that I find somewhat sad and somewhat comforting to know that she is developmentally on track. She has to bring her baby doll with her everywhere now, along with her purse filled with sunglasses, cell phone and baby pacifiers. It really is the cutest thing.
Emily has also become more decisive, especially when it comes to food. She used to eat whatever she we put in from of her, but last week she barely ate dinner. I admit that one night last week she did have a bowl of ice cream for dinner. Granted, she is teething HARD right now. I can feel molars coming through. If she doesn't want something she howls "nooooo".
She is obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. Every morning she wakes up and as we pass the living room says "Party party party on" Meaning she wants to watch her show. I don't really know why she calls it "party" except that they dance and sing. She has never been one to sit and watch TV so I am taking advantage of these little TV breaks here and there.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Almost two!!
Okay let me just start off by saying I suck at blogging! Sorry for no updates in over a month! Summer has been pretty hectic so far with birthday parties, vacations and just everyday life.
I can't believe my little peanut is going to be two in about two weeks. She has really blossomed the last 6 months. Things she has learned the last couple months:
-successfully drink from an open cup
-successfully eat from a fork and spoon
-sit in a chair without falling
-put her shoes on and take them off
-Help getting dresses and undressed
-Can walk up and down the stairs holding the rail
-Points to picture or object when called by name
-Can name her body parts
I am planning a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party. Picking out the cake is going to be so much fun! I have a ton to choose from. This website has so many possibilities!! Gabba Friends
As for decorations, Yo Gabba Gabba party decorations are only sold on-line and a little expensive for 25-30 people!
Therefore, I went to Target and they had a bunch of solid color decorations so I am going with the blue, orange, red and yellow plates, cups and cutlery. I will also be getting multi-colored balloons and table cloths.
For the kids, I will have the kiddie pool and I bought THIS at Target for $8!!
For her birthday, we bought her this Step 2 Arctic water table
I can't believe my little peanut is going to be two in about two weeks. She has really blossomed the last 6 months. Things she has learned the last couple months:
-successfully drink from an open cup
-successfully eat from a fork and spoon
-sit in a chair without falling
-put her shoes on and take them off
-Help getting dresses and undressed
-Can walk up and down the stairs holding the rail
-Points to picture or object when called by name
-Can name her body parts
I am planning a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party. Picking out the cake is going to be so much fun! I have a ton to choose from. This website has so many possibilities!! Gabba Friends
As for decorations, Yo Gabba Gabba party decorations are only sold on-line and a little expensive for 25-30 people!
Therefore, I went to Target and they had a bunch of solid color decorations so I am going with the blue, orange, red and yellow plates, cups and cutlery. I will also be getting multi-colored balloons and table cloths.
For the kids, I will have the kiddie pool and I bought THIS at Target for $8!!
For her birthday, we bought her this Step 2 Arctic water table
And this Fisher price Bubble Mower. She will love to "help" daddy mow the grass!
I might cave and get her this slide as well. She absolutely adores the slide everywhere we go. I have had zero luck at garage sales and people don't respond on Craigs List.
A few recent pics!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Holy word explosion
The last few weeks Emily has started repeating pretty much everything Adam and I say (which means we need to watch what we say!) She learned how to say cow last week and loves to point them out when we pass them on the way to the mall. I will be driving and all of a sudden she will belt out "COW!" and "Mooooooooooooooooooooooooo" follows. It is so cute. I really need to get this recorded because it really is adorable. She likes to say this over and over too, no matter where we are. "Cow. Moooooooo" "Cow. Moooooo"
We are also entering the temper tantrum stage. She will throw herself on the floor and roll around if she doesn't get exactly what she wants at that very second. I have learned to just walk away. She will get over it.
We are also entering the temper tantrum stage. She will throw herself on the floor and roll around if she doesn't get exactly what she wants at that very second. I have learned to just walk away. She will get over it.
I want to start operation no paci....again. It seems like everytime I decide to take it away, she starts teething and there is no way I am taking that away when she is teething. She needs some comfort. Maybe next month.
Here she is eating ice cream. She LOVES ice cream!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lilac Festival 2010
Adam had off today so we ventured over to the Lilac Festival! Unfortunately the lilac trees/bushes had already bloomed. The lilacs were sparse. We did happen to find a couple trees!
We got some cool photos of Emily sitting on these giant benches which are part of theThe Benches on Parade all around Rochester. Pretty cool!
We got some cool photos of Emily sitting on these giant benches which are part of theThe Benches on Parade all around Rochester. Pretty cool!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
21 months old
My goodness. In less than 3 months Emily will be TWO! I really can't believe it. The last 9 months flew by faster than the last year. She is talking up a storm. Here are just a few of her words:
Kitty cat
Joe (great-grandfather)
Abby (cousin)
I am sure there are more, I just can't remember all of them!!
Her favorite foods lately have been:
chicken nuggets
pasta with red sauce
cereal with milk
mandarin oranges
Peanut butter sandwiches
coca pops (sorta like mum mum's, but much bigger!)
Tuna fish sandwich
hot dog
carrots drizzled with butter
Her hair is getting sooo long! Although you can't really tell how long it is unless she takes a bath! It is almost in the middle of her back.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Finger painting
Originally uploaded by LightningBoldt82
We did finger painting for the first time over the weekend. When I first squirted the paint onto the paper, she took her finger, scooped some up and put it in her mouth! Good thing it is non-toxic!
She had a lot of fun once I showed her how to make hand prints and pretty soon she made a beautiful collage :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Black and White
Originally uploaded by LightningBoldt82
I took this a couple days ago on my new camera. I am still trying to figure out all of the settings, but I think this shot came out pretty good! Now if only I could remember what settings I was using.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Ergo Baby Carrier
When I was pregnant with Emily, I purchased a Baby Bjorn because everywhere I looked someone had their baby in one. It was popular two years ago. Now after using it, I hate it. Emily isn't even 20 lbs and the thing kills my back and my shoulders. Then I did some research and found the Ergo baby carrier. I am trying to sell my Bjorn, but since everyone has one of these, it is very difficult to get rid of.
So I am trying to win an Ergo! You can try and win too!
So I am trying to win an Ergo! You can try and win too!
Check out the giveaway site, Braggingmommy here:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hiding places
Emily has found a new hiding place. Thankfully she doesn't have that many! She discovered this yesterday as she was taking out my pots and pans. She realized she could climb in when it was pretty much empty. Oh boy!

She went back to it after I got her dressed and ready for the day.

Does she look ukranian here??
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Emily LOVES shoes. My shoes, Adam's shoes and her shoes. We have our shoes lined up by the door when you first come in. They typically don't stay there all lined up neatly. She usually has to try all of them on and eventually they are scattered all over the house. One sneaker could be in the kitchen while the match is in my bedroom. I go through at the end of the night and line them all back up.
New Camera!
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