I feel like this is a never ending battle. My child has such a difficult time gaining weight! Mainly because she seriously doesn't stop moving when her little eyes are open. When I say she doesn't stop, she doesn't stop! She is running in circles around the staircase located in middle of the house or jumping off her anywhere chair or pulling all of my plastic storage bins out of the cabinet drawer or pushing around her doll stroller.
At her last appointment, she weighed 17 lbs 6.5 oz. The week before, we had to go in to see the doc due to a double ear infection and she weighed 17 lbs. 4.5 oz. So she did gain 2 oz in a week, BUT the doctor is still worried because she has been stuck at 17 lbs since November.
The doctor is also worried about her head growth. Her head hasn't grown since November either. The nurse measured her three times and then the doc mesured her twice. Pedi said that is could be that she has a small head or it could be something else. I am trying not to freak out. I mean, both my husband and I were small kids and really, we have smaller heads so of course she isn't going to have some large melon head. Also, she had her 18 month appointment 2 weeks after she turned 17 months. We are missing two weeks of growth here!!
We have to go back in 6 weeks for a weight and head circumference check.
I am going to fatten this child up! Here is what I am going to try:
-Fixing her pasta for meals twice or three times a week
-Kefir smoothies- Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. Plus, 8 grams of fat per serving!
-Cream cheese filled cheerios for snacks
-Adding avocado to pasta sauce
- She already drinks organic whole milk- about 15-20 oz per day
- Bread and butter with meals
-French toast with double egg
If anyone has some ideas, I would love to hear them! She is not a big meat eater and refuses eggs unless they are in other foods.
In other news, she said "bear" last night when we pointed to a bear. Awwwwwww :o)