Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finger painting

Originally uploaded by LightningBoldt82

We did finger painting for the first time over the weekend. When I first squirted the paint onto the paper, she took her finger, scooped some up and put it in her mouth! Good thing it is non-toxic!
She had a lot of fun once I showed her how to make hand prints and pretty soon she made a beautiful collage :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Black and White

Originally uploaded by LightningBoldt82

I took this a couple days ago on my new camera. I am still trying to figure out all of the settings, but I think this shot came out pretty good! Now if only I could remember what settings I was using.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ergo Baby Carrier

When I was pregnant with Emily, I purchased a Baby Bjorn because everywhere I looked someone had their baby in one.  It was popular two years ago.  Now after using it, I hate it.  Emily isn't even 20 lbs and the thing kills my back and my shoulders.  Then I did some research and found the Ergo baby carrier.  I am trying to sell my Bjorn, but since everyone has one of these, it is very difficult to get rid of.
So I am trying to win an Ergo!  You can try and win too!

Check out the giveaway site, Braggingmommy here:


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Emily had a great Easter this year. She really got into the Easter egg hunt at her grandparents house. She looked so cute in her easter dress!