I can't believe my little peanut is going to be two in about two weeks. She has really blossomed the last 6 months. Things she has learned the last couple months:
-successfully drink from an open cup
-successfully eat from a fork and spoon
-sit in a chair without falling
-put her shoes on and take them off
-Help getting dresses and undressed
-Can walk up and down the stairs holding the rail
-Points to picture or object when called by name
-Can name her body parts
I am planning a Yo Gabba Gabba birthday party. Picking out the cake is going to be so much fun! I have a ton to choose from. This website has so many possibilities!! Gabba Friends
As for decorations, Yo Gabba Gabba party decorations are only sold on-line and a little expensive for 25-30 people!
Therefore, I went to Target and they had a bunch of solid color decorations so I am going with the blue, orange, red and yellow plates, cups and cutlery. I will also be getting multi-colored balloons and table cloths.
For the kids, I will have the kiddie pool and I bought THIS at Target for $8!!
For her birthday, we bought her this Step 2 Arctic water table
And this Fisher price Bubble Mower. She will love to "help" daddy mow the grass!
I might cave and get her this slide as well. She absolutely adores the slide everywhere we go. I have had zero luck at garage sales and people don't respond on Craigs List.
A few recent pics!