Emily went to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month check up. She is growing and is very healthy which is great news! Every parent wants to hear that their kid is healthy and on the right track.
Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz
Height: 25"
Head: 39 cm
Soooo she is light for her age, tall for her age (75th percentile and has a smaller head than most babies (10th percentile). Tall and skinny just like her daddy and mommy!
She also got another round of shots, which she did well with. There was no need for Tylenol afterwards and she slept great last night. She came to see me at lunch and she was her happy go lucky self.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Emily's first time in the Jumperoo
This was the cutest thing ever! This was her first time in the jumperoo and she started giggling as soon as I put her in it.
I think she liked the sensation of bouncing up and down and she really liked the music and toys. After about 5 minutes in the seat she fell asleep!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
2 Months old!

Emily is two months old already! I cannot believe it. Time went by so fast!
She went to the doctor and her new stats are:
9 lbs 11 oz
22 1/2 inches long
She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches long when born so she is growing right along! I knew she was going to be at least 8 lbs because she grew out of all her newborn clothes a few weeks ago.
Milestones the last few weeks:
Week 4: Learned how to put her legs up in the air and roll to one side (so cute!)
Week 5: smiled (really) for the first time
Week 6: rolled from her belly to her back
Week 8: giggled when talked to
Week 9: Starting to recognize her name
We are having a little trouble with breastfeeding now that I am back to work. She takes the bottle fine which is great, but when she is really hungry she gets really impatient when the milk from my breast is not coming out right away which makes her cry and pull off. This makes me cry because this is one way we bond together and I don't want it to end! She usually will refuse me during her 6-7pm feeding so I have to go pump while Adam feeds her a bottle. She has no issues if she gets up during the night to feed. Who knows!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Introducing Baby Emily!
I know, I know I have neglected this blog for about 9 weeks now. I have been enjoying every minute with my little girl!
Emily Ann was born August 8th 2008 at 2:06pm. She weighed 6lbs 8 inches and was 19 inches long.
I will post the birth story someday. I just don't have the energy right now!!
Anywho I have to go back to work Monday. I really loved staying home with Emily for 8 weeks. I am very sad and depressed that I have to go back to work. I have been balling all week long just at the thought of leaving her and going back to work. Even commercials that play over and over again during the day bring a tear to my eye (I know, so freaking sad).
Monday will be so hard, but at least she will be in good hands. My MIL is watching her Mondays and Thursdays. My grandparents will watch her Tuesdays, Adam will have her Wednesdays and my mom will have her Fridays. Phew!! It beats daycare.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
39 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant
I am 100% effaced

My cervix is 3.5 cm dilated
Baby is at -1 Station in my pelvis.
Hospital bag, diaper bag and pillows are packed in the car and the car seat is installed.
Any day now we will get to meet our little girl! Adam is getting so excited, he cannot wait to finally hold her in his arms. We go to bed each night as if this is the last night of "just us" and then we smile in excitement.
The nursery is finally finished!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Nursery Update
Here are some recent pictures of how the nursery is coming along. In the beginning, I had no vision or any idea as to what I wanted. I just knew I wanted it to be bright and cheerful. I think I accomplished that!

The bedding is from Pottery Barn Kids from the "Mia" collection. I also got the pink panels from PBK on sale for $8.99 a piece! Now that is a bargain! I just need to get some room darkening mini-blinds, these let too much light in.
The changing table was given to us by someone I used to babysit for. I think it goes nicely with the rest of the room decor.
We have a dresser coming, a family friend has an antique dresser from her mother. The dresser top needs to be sanded and refinished and it needs new knobs. I am thinking pewter knobs. The dresser is a dark espresso color.
The bedding on the twin bed is from Pottery Barn. I had this before on the bed so no change there, but it does seem to go nicely with the rest of the room. I would like to get the "Mia" quilt for the bed so she can have something new.

As you can see, baby girl needs no more clothes!! She already has more outfits than her mommy!

Or shoes for that matter!
Baby Showers Galore!
I had my first shower thrown by my wonderful mom on June 14th. We did not get many pictures because we were too busy doing other things! But my friend Beth gave me a few shots. We were very blessed with all the great baby stuff we got. It was a great day!!

Me little neice Abby was so cute playing "peek-a-boo" with one of the presents and with her Aunt Melissa. She was such a doll that day!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Hello 3rd Trimester!
Wow. Today marks the beginning of my 27th week which also marks the first day of my 3rd trimester.
The first trimester went by fast, mostly because once I found out I was pregnant, I was already 5 weeks along! The second went by pretty slow (14-26 weeks). I am sure this trimester will go by fast just because we have a very busy spring summer with weddings, my baby showers, birthdays etc. August will be here before we know it!
My "first" Mother's day was very nice. My wonderful husband got me a cute card expressing how excited he is to be having our first baby. I got a rose at the restaurant we went to and at church people were wishing me a happy mothers day! It is good to know people see that I am pregnant and not just "getting a little bigger in the front"
I also fear that people think I am some knocked up teenager because I look so young. When I go to the mall, people look at me like I have three heads. I have started to dress up a little more and throw on some makeup when I go out and that usually keeps the weird stares to a minimum. I also try to flash my sparkly wedding ring whenever I get the chance!
I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful mother's day yesterday!
The first trimester went by fast, mostly because once I found out I was pregnant, I was already 5 weeks along! The second went by pretty slow (14-26 weeks). I am sure this trimester will go by fast just because we have a very busy spring summer with weddings, my baby showers, birthdays etc. August will be here before we know it!
My "first" Mother's day was very nice. My wonderful husband got me a cute card expressing how excited he is to be having our first baby. I got a rose at the restaurant we went to and at church people were wishing me a happy mothers day! It is good to know people see that I am pregnant and not just "getting a little bigger in the front"
I also fear that people think I am some knocked up teenager because I look so young. When I go to the mall, people look at me like I have three heads. I have started to dress up a little more and throw on some makeup when I go out and that usually keeps the weird stares to a minimum. I also try to flash my sparkly wedding ring whenever I get the chance!
I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful mother's day yesterday!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
99 Days and Counting
99 days until we get to meet our little girl! The time really has flown by. It seems like yesturday that I got a positive pregnancy test!
I start my 3rd trimester on Sunday at the 27 week mark. Crazyness! My belly is definatly a pregnancy belly now! It had a major growth spurt around 24 weeks and since then, it has been getting harder and harder. I can also feel her more and more each day. About once a day it feels like she makes a full body turn and it is the most uncomfortable feeling so far! I cannot feel it from the outside, but I sure can from the inside!
She also enjoys doing somersaults and punching/kicking me at 3am most mornings.
The nursery is coming along slowly. The crib is up and I have started organizing the closet. I also have a cute rocking chair in the nursery which will come in handy during those early morning feedings! I am still trying to figure out where I want things in the nursery though.
We also have a twin bed in there which takes up space but I also don't want to take that down either. If we have guests over they will need a place to stay and I don't want to subject them to the couch!
I also picked out some wall letters for her name. I will probably wait until I have the bedding set up to pick colors and paint them. Not that they can go on the wall until she comes home anyways because the name is under wraps until she is born.
I will post some pics of the nursery in progress soon!
I start my 3rd trimester on Sunday at the 27 week mark. Crazyness! My belly is definatly a pregnancy belly now! It had a major growth spurt around 24 weeks and since then, it has been getting harder and harder. I can also feel her more and more each day. About once a day it feels like she makes a full body turn and it is the most uncomfortable feeling so far! I cannot feel it from the outside, but I sure can from the inside!
She also enjoys doing somersaults and punching/kicking me at 3am most mornings.
The nursery is coming along slowly. The crib is up and I have started organizing the closet. I also have a cute rocking chair in the nursery which will come in handy during those early morning feedings! I am still trying to figure out where I want things in the nursery though.
We also have a twin bed in there which takes up space but I also don't want to take that down either. If we have guests over they will need a place to stay and I don't want to subject them to the couch!
I also picked out some wall letters for her name. I will probably wait until I have the bedding set up to pick colors and paint them. Not that they can go on the wall until she comes home anyways because the name is under wraps until she is born.
I will post some pics of the nursery in progress soon!
Friday, April 18, 2008
23 week Update
I am 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant and couldn't feel any better!
I am getting more sleep at night and my energy level has gone back to normal. I am hoping this lasts a while!!
Our little girl has been happily moving all around and kicking me for the past month. She has been on a pretty normal schedule, being very active in the middle of the night and also around 8-10am, then again in the afternoon around 2-4pm. It is a great feeling to know that she is doing well. Although, she has managed to find my bladder and enjoys kicking it like a kickball!
She doesn't mind it when I place my hand on my belly, but when my husband tries to feel her kicks, she stops! As soon as he removes his hand she starts kicking again. It is funny how even in the womb babies favor certain touches. She also has been kicking like crazy every time I am driving. Maybe she doesn't like the vibrations.
I go to the doctor on the 22ND of this month for my 24 week appointment. Her heart rate was at 160 BPM at 20 weeks which is good. It is supposed to start getting slower now that her organs and such are all developed.
I found the perfect bedding for her nursery! I always thought I would get Pottery barn Kids bedding, but their stuff from the winter months/early spring didn't catch my eye and seemed a bit boring. I want something that is bright and colorful. Most of their stuff is white and pastelly. BUT I went into the Pottery bark Kids store this week and fell in love with this set. It is called "Mia" and looks much more vibrant in person than on the website. I love the pinks greens and oranges mixed with polka dots!

Monday, April 7, 2008
A Comment
This has been bothering me all weekend and I have to vent my feelings. What better place to vent then on my blog?
Friday night as co-worker was leaving she yelled "Now don't have that baby over the weekend!" with a chuckle. I just looked at her and said "That really isn't funny, if I had the baby, she would not make it"
I know she meant it to be funny, but I took offense to it. That really was not funny at all. She replied "oh I had no idea, I guess that would be really bad".
I t was not funny to me maybe because I have been following a woman's blog who lost her twins at 23 weeks and how devistated she is by all this, or maybe because it really isn't funny at all. There is nothing funny about giving birth early or even losing your baby.
I couldn't stop thinking about this all weekend. What would I do if I lost my baby? I have no idea. I know life would go on, but how would I deal? Probably just like the woman who lost her twins. I know several woman who have had a miscarriage or several miscarriages. Somehow they find the courage to go on and keep trying for the baby they have always longed for.
That saddens me that this woman lost her babies. I read her blog and cry every time. This deep sadness comes over me and I want to reach through the screen and give her a hug.
Here is her blog if you want to read.
I don't know. I just had to post this.
Friday night as co-worker was leaving she yelled "Now don't have that baby over the weekend!" with a chuckle. I just looked at her and said "That really isn't funny, if I had the baby, she would not make it"
I know she meant it to be funny, but I took offense to it. That really was not funny at all. She replied "oh I had no idea, I guess that would be really bad".
I t was not funny to me maybe because I have been following a woman's blog who lost her twins at 23 weeks and how devistated she is by all this, or maybe because it really isn't funny at all. There is nothing funny about giving birth early or even losing your baby.
I couldn't stop thinking about this all weekend. What would I do if I lost my baby? I have no idea. I know life would go on, but how would I deal? Probably just like the woman who lost her twins. I know several woman who have had a miscarriage or several miscarriages. Somehow they find the courage to go on and keep trying for the baby they have always longed for.
That saddens me that this woman lost her babies. I read her blog and cry every time. This deep sadness comes over me and I want to reach through the screen and give her a hug.
Here is her blog if you want to read.
I don't know. I just had to post this.
Monday, March 31, 2008
20 weeks and it's a....
GIRL! We are having a little girl! I had an ultrasound on Tuesday, March 25th at 2:00pm. Let me tell you, drinking 16 oz. of water and not being able to go to the bathroom for 2 hours while the ultrasound technician presses on your belly is not fun and highly uncomfortable..but it was soo worth it to be able to see my little baby moving around inside of me.
We got a few ultrasound pictures, including a 3D/4D one of her tiny little face! ( I think she looks like my Husband!) I love to just look at them thinking that soon she will be in my arms!
We also got a DVD with a short video of the ultrasound.
I have only gained about 6 lbs throughout this pregnancy and the doctor is pleased with that. You usually gain about 25 lbs, any more than that is not necessary. I have not been working out or anything and it is all in my belly area, luckily I have not packed on the pounds in my butt! At least not yet!!
We got a few ultrasound pictures, including a 3D/4D one of her tiny little face! ( I think she looks like my Husband!) I love to just look at them thinking that soon she will be in my arms!
We also got a DVD with a short video of the ultrasound.
I have only gained about 6 lbs throughout this pregnancy and the doctor is pleased with that. You usually gain about 25 lbs, any more than that is not necessary. I have not been working out or anything and it is all in my belly area, luckily I have not packed on the pounds in my butt! At least not yet!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Week 14 Update
Week 14:

I am rearing the end of the 14th week. I am 14 weeks and 4 days along. How time flies...but yet it can't come soon enough. I am counting down until the big ultrasound at the end of March. I think to my self 5 weeks? I can do five weeks..but then I think back to 5 weeks ago and I was only 9 weeks along and that seems so long ago!
My morning sickness has practically vanished and my appetite is coming back. The smell of fish still makes me want to vomit but other than that I am back to eating all the normal stuff--even Chicken which I had a huge aversion to since I got pregnant.
My sleep is getting better, still getting up for potty breaks but I am not getting up starving or uncomfortable. I am sure that will change though as I get bigger!!
I am a planner and want to plan the nursery and get it all ready. We already bought a crib and even had Adam set it up. We got a great deal on Craigslist. This crib is a $500 crib and we got it for $150! It is better quality than those at Babies R us or Target. The people bought it at a local baby boutique in Pittsford a few years ago. The one thing that I really like about it is that it's made out of real wood (not particle board or veneer) and it is made in Canada, not China! Amen to that!
Now my search continues for a dresser/changing table to match.

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Week 12 Update
I can't believe it has been 12 weeks already! Today I am 12 weeks and 5 days. The baby is the size of a Plum.
The way that the doctors measure this is by the first day of your last period. Seeing how I am regular and have a 29 day cycle I am right on target! (The Dr. agrees). My Expected Delivery Date is August 12th. My nephew Benjamin was born on August 11th!
We went to the Doctor's on wednesday for a belly check. I didn't meet with my regular doctor because she was not there that day (boo!) but the Doctor I had check me out was great. I really like my doctors office.
We got to hear the heartbeat on a machine called a Doppler. He basically puts this very sensitive microphone up to my belly and chases the little baby around trying to find it's heartbeat! I was reassured that everything was fine. Adam said it sounded like a bad radio station and wasn't sure what he should have been listening for! He is excited about the baby, I think when he sees the ultrasound it will be more real to him.
I am still having morning sickness, but it is now coming in waves and not everyday which is good. Hopefully soon it will be gone for good! The prenatal vitamins and the DHA-Omega 3 supplement I take don't help either so I have been taking it before I go to bed.
I have grown out of my regular pants (so sad) back at 9 weeks and am in full maternity pants. I can still wear *some* of my shirts, some are too small now or feel uncomfortable because they don't sit right! Old Navy had a big sale after Christmas and I got tons of stuff for when I am more pregnant. Maternity pants are so comfy, I don't think I will want to go back to zippers and buttons!
My mom also had a field day at Kohls and got me even more stuff! Thanks Mom!
Friday, January 11, 2008
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