Monday, March 31, 2008

20 weeks and it's a....

GIRL! We are having a little girl! I had an ultrasound on Tuesday, March 25th at 2:00pm. Let me tell you, drinking 16 oz. of water and not being able to go to the bathroom for 2 hours while the ultrasound technician presses on your belly is not fun and highly uncomfortable..but it was soo worth it to be able to see my little baby moving around inside of me.

We got a few ultrasound pictures, including a 3D/4D one of her tiny little face! ( I think she looks like my Husband!) I love to just look at them thinking that soon she will be in my arms!

We also got a DVD with a short video of the ultrasound.
I have only gained about 6 lbs throughout this pregnancy and the doctor is pleased with that. You usually gain about 25 lbs, any more than that is not necessary. I have not been working out or anything and it is all in my belly area, luckily I have not packed on the pounds in my butt! At least not yet!!


Anonymous said...

thats so exciting hope you are well :D

83princess said...


Can't wait to take pics of this beautiful baby girl!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Lily will have a little friend :)

and um this point I had gained like 18 lbs! LOL! I got huge! But I lost 30lbs within 2 weeks of her birth so it wasn't so bad.

The pics are great- it took me a sec to see her face in the 1st one, but now I can see it- she's gonna be beautiful, just like her mommy!

Can you feel her move yet?

Congrats again!