I spent Christmas eve afternoon watching The Duggar marathon on TV while wrapping almost all of t
he gifts. That evening, we headed over to my mom's house for a yummy lobster and steak dinner. DH is a great cook and the lobster came out perfect. Emily watched from her exersaucer as we ate. She was busy trying to pull her bow off her head. Then it was time for presents! This is Emily opening
She was more interested in getting the paper in her mouth more than anything. She was so bored after we finally got the gift open as you can see from the picture. She got some onesies, outfits and a gift card to BRU!
After gifts and dessert we headed home for the night. We were all exhausted, especially DH who worked all day long. Emily was
out before we hit the road.
She slept great that night and was up at 8am. We got her out of the crib and went to the tree. This was the first time she sat up all on her own! What a great accomplishment for her.
We opened a few
gifts with her and then opened ours. We got her some paci's, a "O" ball, which looks more like a dog toy than a baby toy, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn activity table and Fisher Price gum ball machine. These toys are for 6 months and up so pretty soon she will enjoy them.
That morning we went to my side of the family for more gifts and food. In the afternoon we headed over to DH's side of the family for more gifts and even more food!
Emily did fairly well with everyone wanting to hold her and just being shuffled from house to house all day long. She
is such an easy kid I tell ya. At the end of the day, we were all ready to snuggle into bed.
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