I bought Emily her second car seat today after finding a great deal on a Britax Marathon. Funny thing is, this is the one that we registered for and now it is on clearance for $179 with free shipping! They are $279 full price.
I am so excited. She won't need to use it for another 6 months, but it is worth taking advantage of a great deal. They are the safest car seats on the market in my opinion.
Also, I will be keeping her rear facing for as long as possible. Babies need to stay rear facing until they are a year old AND 20 lbs, but recent studies and the Amerian Academy of Pediatrics now suggest that keeping them rear facing until they are 2 is even safer.
Here is an insert from the Carseat.org website:
Safety experts and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children remain
rear facing as long as possible and never travel forward facing before they are one year
old and also weigh at least 20 pounds. This reduces their risk of serious neck or spinal
cord injury and lifelong disability. All new convertible seats available today allow
children to remain rear facing until they weigh 30 pounds or more, depending on the
Babies have heavy heads and fragile necks. In a crash, an infant’s soft spinal column can
stretch, leading to spinal cord damage if he is riding facing forward. The baby could die
or be paralyzed permanently. This is true even for babies who have strong neck muscles
and good head control. The neck bones are flexible, and the ligaments are loose to allow
for growth.
This video was enough for me.
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