Monday, May 18, 2009

9 Month Stats and a small scare

Head circumference: 42.0 (5%)
Height: 28 inches (55%)
Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (5%)

Yeah she is a tiny peanut.  The nurse was not overly concerned because she looks healthy but still wants her to come back in 6 weeks for a weight check.   We are going to start giving her more table foods (cheese, pasta, veggies, deli meats) to try and fatten her up a little.  We tried yogurt a few weeks ago and she liked that and yesterday she had some rice and ate it up.  There really isn't anything she doesn't like.  She is such a good eater.

The nurse was checking her heart and I knew something wasn't right when she checked it and checked it and checked it again.  She didn't want to alarm me and wanted the doctor to come take a listen.  He said it wasn't much of anything but called it a new innocent murmur.  We are going to the cardiologist for the final say.  I am trying not to freak out about it!  I am sure it is really nothing.  She didn't have this at birth.
Trying not to freak out.

Trying not to freak out.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flower Photo Shoot

I took some photos last week at the Lilac Festival.  I used a photo enhancing software called Picnik.  They look professional (I think).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

9 Month pictures

At her first Red Wings Baseball game!  The weather was horrible though.  It dropped to 54 degrees and there were 35 mph winds!  We got hooked up with a suite and Emily enjoyed exploring.

She loves to stick her head in the fishbowl and "sing"
Here she is sucking on real Salmon.  It was frozen and she liked the numbing feeling on her gums.

9 Months old

Yet another month has passed and she is getting smarter everyday.  I really can't say she is getting bigger because frankly she is still a little peanut!  She never stops moving which I think is a big reason why she is not gaining as much weight as other babies her age.  I mean seriously she doesn't stop moving!  She is crawling or trying to climb on anything at her level.
We go to the doctor next week so I will add her stats then.
*Crawling and pulling up on furniture
*Crawling super duper fast
*Likes to clap her hands
*Waves if someone waves at her
*Likes to suck on her index finger while pulling her sleeve over mouth/nose
*Fully sleep trained after a few months of wakeful nights.  She goes to sleep all by herself.  Classical music helps soothe her to sleep or back to sleep.
* Loves to eat cheerios, bread and bananas.  Not too fond of the "puffs"  I have two different flavors- sweet potato and apple cinnamon.  She does like the veggie pinwheels though.
*Laughs when we say "NO" in a stern tone.  (oh boy on this one)
*Loves to go on walks.  
*Loves animals, especially doggies and kitties.  She squeals in delight when she sees them out and about.
*likes to roll a ball around the floor and chase after it.  
*Not fond of the sippy cup.  I made the mistake of giving her carrot juice without adding a "no spill stopper" and it ended up down the front of her soaking her bib, her onesie and her diaper.
*When she drinks her bottle (which she refuses to old herself) she covers her eyes with her hands or pulls/rubs/twirls her hair.