Tuesday, May 12, 2009

9 Months old

Yet another month has passed and she is getting smarter everyday.  I really can't say she is getting bigger because frankly she is still a little peanut!  She never stops moving which I think is a big reason why she is not gaining as much weight as other babies her age.  I mean seriously she doesn't stop moving!  She is crawling or trying to climb on anything at her level.
We go to the doctor next week so I will add her stats then.
*Crawling and pulling up on furniture
*Crawling super duper fast
*Likes to clap her hands
*Waves if someone waves at her
*Likes to suck on her index finger while pulling her sleeve over mouth/nose
*Fully sleep trained after a few months of wakeful nights.  She goes to sleep all by herself.  Classical music helps soothe her to sleep or back to sleep.
* Loves to eat cheerios, bread and bananas.  Not too fond of the "puffs"  I have two different flavors- sweet potato and apple cinnamon.  She does like the veggie pinwheels though.
*Laughs when we say "NO" in a stern tone.  (oh boy on this one)
*Loves to go on walks.  
*Loves animals, especially doggies and kitties.  She squeals in delight when she sees them out and about.
*likes to roll a ball around the floor and chase after it.  
*Not fond of the sippy cup.  I made the mistake of giving her carrot juice without adding a "no spill stopper" and it ended up down the front of her soaking her bib, her onesie and her diaper.
*When she drinks her bottle (which she refuses to old herself) she covers her eyes with her hands or pulls/rubs/twirls her hair.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Laughs when you say no...uh oh. :o)