Monday, May 18, 2009

9 Month Stats and a small scare

Head circumference: 42.0 (5%)
Height: 28 inches (55%)
Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (5%)

Yeah she is a tiny peanut.  The nurse was not overly concerned because she looks healthy but still wants her to come back in 6 weeks for a weight check.   We are going to start giving her more table foods (cheese, pasta, veggies, deli meats) to try and fatten her up a little.  We tried yogurt a few weeks ago and she liked that and yesterday she had some rice and ate it up.  There really isn't anything she doesn't like.  She is such a good eater.

The nurse was checking her heart and I knew something wasn't right when she checked it and checked it and checked it again.  She didn't want to alarm me and wanted the doctor to come take a listen.  He said it wasn't much of anything but called it a new innocent murmur.  We are going to the cardiologist for the final say.  I am trying not to freak out about it!  I am sure it is really nothing.  She didn't have this at birth.
Trying not to freak out.

Trying not to freak out.


Bethany said...

*hugs* keep us posted...praying it's nothing. :o)

Wifezzilla said...

most kids grow out of a murmur. i had one for a while, and grew out of it at puberty.

don't worry too much if you can help it, they are SO common!