Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Emily!

Emily turned One on 8.8.09!  She woke up in an excellent mood and was a happy kid the entire day.  She must have known it was her day to shine.  
She took a great nap before all the guests arrived at 1 pm for her party.  We invited about 75 people and had about 55 show up to our new home.  We had a cookout with BBQ chicken, baked beans, potato salad, fresh fruit, orzo salad and my MIL's famous rice.  The food was delicious!  
Then it was time for cake.  I made a ladybug cake and a giant cupcake that was almost the size of Emily!  I think it was bigger than her head for sure.  It took me about 5 hours to complete the cakes from batter to the frosting from scratch.  Emily dove right into the cupcake as we sang Happy Birthday to her.  Then I gave her a smaller cupcake to "smash" into.  She ate the entire thing, frosting and all.  She is just like her momma; loves her sweets!!  Check out the video!
She LOVED it!!!

When it came time for gifts, she could care less.  She got a tiny folding chair that she practiced getting in and out of for the duration of the gift opening.  She took a few dives and the crowd let out some gasps.  Emily just giggled. Daddy was supposed to be watching her :0).

Then at about 6 pm after everyone left, my mom, cousin, aunt, Emily and I went to the mall for a shopping excursion and then we stopped at Cold Stone for some Ice cream, as if we didn't have enough sweets that day!  We didn't get home until 10:30 pm!  Emily was awake the entire time, having a blast.