Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 14 Update

Week 14:
I am rearing the end of the 14th week. I am 14 weeks and 4 days along. How time flies...but yet it can't come soon enough. I am counting down until the big ultrasound at the end of March. I think to my self 5 weeks? I can do five weeks..but then I think back to 5 weeks ago and I was only 9 weeks along and that seems so long ago!
My morning sickness has practically vanished and my appetite is coming back. The smell of fish still makes me want to vomit but other than that I am back to eating all the normal stuff--even Chicken which I had a huge aversion to since I got pregnant.
My sleep is getting better, still getting up for potty breaks but I am not getting up starving or uncomfortable. I am sure that will change though as I get bigger!!

I am a planner and want to plan the nursery and get it all ready. We already bought a crib and even had Adam set it up. We got a great deal on Craigslist. This crib is a $500 crib and we got it for $150! It is better quality than those at Babies R us or Target. The people bought it at a local baby boutique in Pittsford a few years ago. The one thing that I really like about it is that it's made out of real wood (not particle board or veneer) and it is made in Canada, not China! Amen to that!
Now my search continues for a dresser/changing table to match.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Week 12 Update

I can't believe it has been 12 weeks already!  Today I am 12 weeks and 5 days.  The baby is the size of a Plum.  
The way that the doctors measure this is by the first day of your last period.  Seeing how I am regular and have a 29 day cycle I am right on target! (The Dr. agrees).  My Expected Delivery Date is August 12th.  My nephew Benjamin was born on August 11th!

We went to the Doctor's on wednesday for a belly check.  I didn't meet with my regular doctor because she was not there that day (boo!) but the Doctor I had check me out was great.  I really like my doctors office.  

We got to hear the heartbeat on a machine called a Doppler.  He basically puts this very sensitive microphone up to my belly and chases the little baby around trying to find it's heartbeat!  I was reassured that everything was fine. Adam said it sounded like a bad radio station and wasn't sure what he should have been listening for!  He is excited about the baby, I think when he sees the ultrasound it will be more real to him.

I am still having morning sickness, but it is now coming in waves and not everyday which is good.  Hopefully soon it will be gone for good!  The prenatal vitamins and the DHA-Omega 3 supplement I take don't help either so I have been taking it before I go to bed.
I have grown out of my regular pants (so sad) back at 9 weeks and am in full maternity pants. I can still wear *some* of my shirts, some are too small now or feel uncomfortable because they don't sit right!  Old Navy had a big sale after Christmas and I got tons of stuff for when I am more pregnant.  Maternity pants are so comfy, I don't think I will want to go back to zippers and buttons!
My mom also had a field day at Kohls and got me even more stuff!  Thanks Mom!